Welcome to our Blog

We hope our blog keeps you informed of the fun things our Educarers are doing in their homes or out and about in the community.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Brylees Busy day at Audrey's

Enjoying a game of see-saw with Lucy - taking an interest in younger children within the play environment.

Revisiting learning journals.

Engaging in social skills, blowing bubbles with friend Dylan and Audrey.

Having a fun game of 'peek a boo'.

Its great to see you fully engaged in all aspects of play. By being involved Brylee is learning important life skills of being a compassionate individual, contributing to her learning programme, confident within her surroundings.

By Donna 28.02.2012

Friday, February 3, 2012

Happy Birthday Blake

Happy 1st Birthday Blake. It looked like you enjoyed your yummy lammington at Lisa's. I hope you have an awesome Birthday Party today, bring us lots of photos please especially of you blowing out the candles on that cool cake that Lisa made you.