Welcome to our Blog

We hope our blog keeps you informed of the fun things our Educarers are doing in their homes or out and about in the community.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Our Visit from Monty

On Friday 10th August 2012, we visited the National Aaquarium of New Zealand.  We got the opportunity to get up close and personal with a few of the residents that live there. We felt the skin of the Blue Tongue lizard and touched the shell of the Red Eared Teripin and the Chinese Box Tortoise.
All the children really enjoyed the hands on experience, feeling the different textures of their shells and skin. They learned how to handle the animals and were very gentle as they touched each one.
A big thankyou to all the staff of the Aquarium who sahred their knowledge and showed the children how to care for the animals, also to the educarers and parents who attended, I'm sure everyone had a great learning experience. 

Friday, April 13, 2012

The children had fun at their Sports Day; we were so lucky the sun came out for us. There was balancing, jumping, we had the bean bag toss, we dressed up, had sack races and to cool off at the end there was dunking for apples. We finished the sports day off with a picnic under the trees. Everyone looked like they had a blast; we will have to do this again next school holidays.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Fun Morning Tea

Last Playgroup @ Tamatea before Easter Break

Kebab making
with grapes, oranges, bananas and of course marshmellows..........
Then off to do crafts
making a cute easter bunny.........
Wishing everyone a happy and safe Easter Break
We look forward to seeing you all back in the next Term.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Brylees Busy day at Audrey's

Enjoying a game of see-saw with Lucy - taking an interest in younger children within the play environment.

Revisiting learning journals.

Engaging in social skills, blowing bubbles with friend Dylan and Audrey.

Having a fun game of 'peek a boo'.

Its great to see you fully engaged in all aspects of play. By being involved Brylee is learning important life skills of being a compassionate individual, contributing to her learning programme, confident within her surroundings.

By Donna 28.02.2012